Slept in. Then did my workout routine. Same, but with a little progression of reps. There was rain, and it was abating as the morning unfolded. Prepared my usual breakfast and added some Chobani yogurt and blueberries. Put on House of Cards (starting to wonder about this one ever ending), and then cleaned up the kitchen. I pulled the Pixel Book out and was able to stomach (eventually) creating a "blog page" on Facebook. Reluctance does not even come light years to describing my angst and other allergic emotions to doing this. Alas, it was done, and I am still not certain it was a colossal mistake. Without any surprise, I got little attention at this move from the 31 "friends" on my FB. Nothing disparaging meant by the quotation marks on friends. I just know that they are mostly superficially in my life at this point (and I in theirs) but they are still friends nonetheless. So, it's alright. My expectations were low to start with. The main point is that I spent